Thursday, April 7, 2011


i'm going to start off by saying that i HATE blogs. but they're something i just HAVE to do if i wanna pass English. since there really isn't anything to blog about im just going to blog about how much i really truely hate doing blogs.  and im going to try to talk mr.potter into considering eliminating blogs for the final nine weeks of school. so, here i go . English is probably my least favorite class, because of these blogs. i wish that Mr.Potter would just eliminate then. or, let me pay someone else to do my blog, but since that's not allowed here i go. 5 reasons why i hate doing blogs for English class. Reason one, they are sooooo boring. Who wants to take 15 minutes out of their day to sit on a computer and type a blog? 7 hours and 25 minutes 5 days a week should be enough learning for 10th grade students. but NO. Mr.Potter and all the rest of the teachers at Gahanna Lincoln High school want to bore us and waste our lives doing homework. smh Reason 2 blogs are a hassle. I got my computer in 2001 and its pretty much a piece of crap. it always cuts off when i'm using it and sometimes when i go to turn it on, it doesn't work. My mom has a laptop that she keeps in her room but she caught my older brother looking on "inappropriate" websites so she banned everyone in the house from it. Reason 3, they are boring and they aren't very helpful. All they do is stress everyone out. Reason 4 it's a proven fact that the longer people spend using electronics (cell phones, iPod, COMPUTERS etc.) the slower their brain starts to work. So, 15 minutes of blogging once a week can really hurt us in the future. Reason 5, Mr.Potter should eliminate blogs because I don't like them. There are other alternatives that we can use, like silent reading in class for points, or writing a journal everyday at the beginning of class. Anything, i repeat, ANYTHING, is better than having to blog for 15 minutes once a week. So, i hope that if Mr.Potter reads this he changes his mind about torturing his 10th grade students with these blog posts and decides to go an alternate route.

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