Wednesday, April 20, 2011

scary story blog (MAKE-UP)

Once upon a time there were three teenagers. Fred-bob, Billy-bob, and Betty. the three of them had been friends since birth. the called Fred-bob Fred, for short and they called Billy-bob, Billy for short. Betty didn't have a nickname. They were born the same day, the same hospital, the same floor in the hospital, each room right next to thee others, three minutes apart. There was something different about the three of them. Something that no one but the trio could understand. Fred-bob, Billy-bob, and Betty never spoke a word to anyone... Ever. The only spoke to each other in their minds, through thoughts. That's right, they could read each other's thoughts. Their parents couldn't understand how all three of them could be so close and not speak. Betty, Billy, and Fred just thought it was funny. And they'd giggle through their thoughts. Every thought that ever ran through ones mind was shared, somewhat like a news feed. If Fred-bob was sitting in a math, taking a test and couldn't understand a question Betty or Billy-bob would quickly answer the question for him. And that's what they did for each other, and as you can probably guess, they were excelling in all class. they had all skipped 3rd and 4th grade.

Something was changing. They were all hitting puberty. Betty would think about Tom, a guy in her 3rd period English class, while Billy would day dream about Sue from, captain of the cheer squad.. Fred on the other hand was a little different... He went both ways. he say dreamed about girls and guys, and his thoughts soon began to annoy Betty and Billy. The thing that would annoy Betty the most was when Fred had thoughts about her.. he would say things in his thoughts like "I really like you Betty, maybe we should be more than just friends" and she tried he hardest to block the thoughts out but it was impossible. The group who had, at one point been inseparable, began to grow apart. Betty Began talking to other girls, and joined the Cheer squad. Billy got close with the football team and became the starting Quarter back. Fred became a loner. The more and more Billy and Betty met other people, the less they could hear the thoughts, and eventually they all faded away. Completely.

It was senior year. Betty and Billy-bob began dating and Fred was still on his own. Whenever Betty and Billy saw him they'd walk right by, as if they never knew him. It broke Fred's heart. Everyday after school he would go home and sit and his room and eat in silence. He was a whopping 250 pounds and he had terrible acne. No one ever talking to him. On the trio's 18th birthday Betty and Billy threw a party together and invited everyone from school, except Fred-bob. That made Fred-bob angry. He couldn't believe after all the years they'd known each other, Billy and Betty had turned on him. So he decided to get revenge. Fred-bob crashed Betty and Billy-bob's 18th birthday party. He killed everyone there, saving billy-bob and Betty for last.

When he got to them, he spoke his first word. "WHY?!" he cried out. Betty and Billy stared at him with horror. they had never heard him speak. "w-wh-why what ?" Betty stuttered. "You two left me alone to fend for myself. i thought we said the trio would last forever." Fred cried. "Things changed." Billy said. "We'll i guess things will end." Fred said. He kissed Billy and Betty before shooting them both, then he shot himself.


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