Monday, March 28, 2011

Everyone Loves Being In Love

Dear reader,
       You will soon be reading my multi-genre blog on the thrilling book Eclipse. In Eclipse there are multiple themes. The main two themes are love and friendship which is obvious the moment you open the book. But the theme I chose love. Bella Swan must live with the choice that she made, which was losing her best friend, Jacob Black, to be with the love of her life, Edward Cullen. You’re probably wondering why she has to choose. Well, that’s where it begins to get complicated. Edward Cullen is a vampire, and Jacob Black is a werewolf. Wolves and Vampires happen to be arch enemies. Eclipse takes you through a true friendship and a true relationship. It shows you the good times and the bad times. In the end, a huge lesson is taught. The lesson is you should never have to choose between a lover and a friend, because if they really love you, they won’t put you through the pain of choosing.

A relationship is the rainbow between two hearts, sharing seven colors:  feelings, love, sadness, happiness, truth, faith, secret & respect.


My Dear Bella,
It is your love, Edward. I'm writing you to tell you how much I miss you. I know I was just at your house but I thought it would be cute if I left a little note under your pillow :) and I know you're going to find this when you wake up in the morning, so I hope you slept well. I love you sooo much Isabella Swan. Always&Forever, I know you feel the same way. I can't wait to see you at school tomorrow. I love you so much :)
Your Love,
Edward Cullen

 Every relationship has its own problems. You know you really love that person when you still want to be with that person when everything else in life sucks.

10 ways you know you’re in love

1. You can’t stop thinking about the person
2. When everything reminds you of them
3. When you’ll do anything to make that person happy
4. If you can wear bummy clothes and feel 100% comfortable around that person.
5. When you feel like you don’t have to impress the person.
6. You can be faithful to the person you’re with effortlessly.
7. When being commuted to the person you’re with becomes something you want to do, and not something you “have” to do.
8. When you can talk to the person for hours and hours and your conversation never gets old.
9. When you see the person and hang out with them all the time and it never gets old.
10. When you and that person go through hell and back and no love is lost.

 Beauty isn’t about having a pretty face. It’s about having a pretty mind, a pretty heart and a pretty soul. Inner beauty is the best beauty and when someone likes you for your inner beauty more then your outer beauty, they really love you.

Life Lesson List
1.)You should never have to choose between someone you love and one of your best friends.
2.)Never leave the one you love for the one you like
3.) The first love is always the sweetest. Any relationship after it wont be as great because the feelings wont be as new.
4.)A good relationship starts out with a decent friendship
5.)Don't expect the person you're with to be perfect, they just have to make life worth it.

never put someone you “like” over someone you “love” because the one you like will leave you for the one you they love and the one you love will move on. And you will be left alone.

for this project i chose the theme love for one good reason, because the entire Twilight series has to do with love and how complicated it can get. i chose my first genre, the personal letter to show how love and affection, because in Eclipse, Edward has a lot of love and affection for Bella and  when you love someone you do nice things for them like that. For my second genre, I chose the top 10 ways you're in love. The reason I chose this genre is because in Eclipse, all 10things I listed applied to Bella and Edward. And for my third genre I chose to list life lessons. I listed life lessons because all of the things I listed happened to me and they also happened to Bella and Edward.

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