Wednesday, April 27, 2011

what i dislike about having siblings. (make-up blog from 3 weeks ago)

I have six siblings that all live in the house with me. so i know all about what its like living with siblings. There are a lot of bad things and there are a lot of good things too. One of the worst things about have a bunch of siblings is the food. When my mom goes to the grocery store i'll ask her for specific things, like yogurt. Or something specific, for ME and only me. Then when i go to grab a cup of yogurt, it's all gone, and when i ask who ate it, everyone says "not me." This happens almost every time i have my mom buy me certain items from the store. i HATE it! the second most annoying thing about have a bunch of siblings is babysitting. i have 2 sisters, one is 4 and the other is 6months. & i have 3younger brothers. (8, 5, and 1 and a half) So, whenever my mom needs to make a stop,  or makes plans with her friends I'm usually the one who ends up babysitting ALL of them. MY older brother sometimes helps, but he always has to go to work. So most of the time, it's up to me. You're probably wondering how i survive babysitting 5 BAD kids all by myself. I ask myself the same question. Sometimes, they're good and they'll sit down and watch tv or play with their twos in the basement or go outside and play in the back yard, But other times, the run through the house like little mini- tornadoes and wreck everything in their paths. Another bad thing about having multiple siblings is when the snitch! i can never lie to my mom about anything, because she'll ask one of my little brothers and instead of having my back they just snitch on me. smh The second most irritating thing about have multiple siblings is the hot water, and sharing the bathroom. If you wake up last, you get no hot water. Thats how it works at my house. So if you want a nice hot shower you better wake up before everyone else and get in. If not, you're out of luck. and the final annoying thing about living with multiple siblings is when i try to take a nice calm nap and all the little kids are awake... it's impossible. And one the weekends, (Saturday morning especially) my little brothers and sisters wake up at like 8:00 in the morning, if I'm lucky 8:05. Sleeping in on a Saturday morning is IMPOSSIBLE!! they wake up and run through the house talking, bickering, and whining. And all my younger siblings have LOUD high pitched voices. And sometimes, they'll even come in my room and wake me up. (my 4year sister does it the most) She'll wake me up and ask me to make her random things, like toast and pickles, or chicken and a peanut butter sandwich!!! its sooo annoying...

soooo, now you know what it's like living with 6 ANNOYING siblings.


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