Wednesday, April 27, 2011

things considered a waste of time (make-up blog from 2 weeks ago)

in my opinion, there are only a few things that you can do that are actually considered wasting time. because if you're actually doing something, how are you wasting time ? (rhetorical question) At the top of my list is smoking week. i think that smoking period ( cigarettes, black& milds, weed, ANYTHING) is a total waste of you're like. It causes cancer and other life threatening problems. When you're high, you can do anything  useful. All you can do is eat and laugh. That will get you nowhere in life. And, if you have a job, and they drug test you, you could jeopardized your job. thats such a waste of time. i understand why some people drink, casually. but getting WASTED is a total waste of time. why would you go out and drink sooo much that you can't even remember what happened ? i don't see why people think thats fun. Doing any kind of drug, is such a waste. they alter your thinking, and when you do things under the influence, it's a waste of time because you can't give your all. Another thing i think is a huge waste of time is watching tv. The only show that i can negotiable is the news. Other than that, watching tv is just a waste of time. Especially when you sit around and watch shows like, desperate house wives, or Real World, Or Jersey Shore. Yeah, i watch tv and those shows are very entertaining, but they're still a waste of time. why watch someone else's televised life when you have your own life to live? Sometimes, i'll be so caught up watching my favorite shows, that i forget to do important things, like my chores, or homework.. all because i'm too busy wasting my time watching television. Another thing i would consider wasting time it lying. When you lie you waste your time AND energy. So, you're a liar, the best advice i can give you is to tell the truth. because no matter how much time you waste trying to put together a lie, the truth will come out eventually. And when it does, don't waste your time trying to lie and make it sound better than it is. Lying takes too much time and energy, that telling the truth could easily avoid. So there you have it. Smoking weed, getting drunk, watching television, and lying are the four BIGGEST wastes of time. So if you don't wanna waste time, don't do those 4 things


what i dislike about having siblings. (make-up blog from 3 weeks ago)

I have six siblings that all live in the house with me. so i know all about what its like living with siblings. There are a lot of bad things and there are a lot of good things too. One of the worst things about have a bunch of siblings is the food. When my mom goes to the grocery store i'll ask her for specific things, like yogurt. Or something specific, for ME and only me. Then when i go to grab a cup of yogurt, it's all gone, and when i ask who ate it, everyone says "not me." This happens almost every time i have my mom buy me certain items from the store. i HATE it! the second most annoying thing about have a bunch of siblings is babysitting. i have 2 sisters, one is 4 and the other is 6months. & i have 3younger brothers. (8, 5, and 1 and a half) So, whenever my mom needs to make a stop,  or makes plans with her friends I'm usually the one who ends up babysitting ALL of them. MY older brother sometimes helps, but he always has to go to work. So most of the time, it's up to me. You're probably wondering how i survive babysitting 5 BAD kids all by myself. I ask myself the same question. Sometimes, they're good and they'll sit down and watch tv or play with their twos in the basement or go outside and play in the back yard, But other times, the run through the house like little mini- tornadoes and wreck everything in their paths. Another bad thing about having multiple siblings is when the snitch! i can never lie to my mom about anything, because she'll ask one of my little brothers and instead of having my back they just snitch on me. smh The second most irritating thing about have multiple siblings is the hot water, and sharing the bathroom. If you wake up last, you get no hot water. Thats how it works at my house. So if you want a nice hot shower you better wake up before everyone else and get in. If not, you're out of luck. and the final annoying thing about living with multiple siblings is when i try to take a nice calm nap and all the little kids are awake... it's impossible. And one the weekends, (Saturday morning especially) my little brothers and sisters wake up at like 8:00 in the morning, if I'm lucky 8:05. Sleeping in on a Saturday morning is IMPOSSIBLE!! they wake up and run through the house talking, bickering, and whining. And all my younger siblings have LOUD high pitched voices. And sometimes, they'll even come in my room and wake me up. (my 4year sister does it the most) She'll wake me up and ask me to make her random things, like toast and pickles, or chicken and a peanut butter sandwich!!! its sooo annoying...

soooo, now you know what it's like living with 6 ANNOYING siblings.


Wednesday, April 20, 2011

scary story blog (MAKE-UP)

Once upon a time there were three teenagers. Fred-bob, Billy-bob, and Betty. the three of them had been friends since birth. the called Fred-bob Fred, for short and they called Billy-bob, Billy for short. Betty didn't have a nickname. They were born the same day, the same hospital, the same floor in the hospital, each room right next to thee others, three minutes apart. There was something different about the three of them. Something that no one but the trio could understand. Fred-bob, Billy-bob, and Betty never spoke a word to anyone... Ever. The only spoke to each other in their minds, through thoughts. That's right, they could read each other's thoughts. Their parents couldn't understand how all three of them could be so close and not speak. Betty, Billy, and Fred just thought it was funny. And they'd giggle through their thoughts. Every thought that ever ran through ones mind was shared, somewhat like a news feed. If Fred-bob was sitting in a math, taking a test and couldn't understand a question Betty or Billy-bob would quickly answer the question for him. And that's what they did for each other, and as you can probably guess, they were excelling in all class. they had all skipped 3rd and 4th grade.

Something was changing. They were all hitting puberty. Betty would think about Tom, a guy in her 3rd period English class, while Billy would day dream about Sue from, captain of the cheer squad.. Fred on the other hand was a little different... He went both ways. he say dreamed about girls and guys, and his thoughts soon began to annoy Betty and Billy. The thing that would annoy Betty the most was when Fred had thoughts about her.. he would say things in his thoughts like "I really like you Betty, maybe we should be more than just friends" and she tried he hardest to block the thoughts out but it was impossible. The group who had, at one point been inseparable, began to grow apart. Betty Began talking to other girls, and joined the Cheer squad. Billy got close with the football team and became the starting Quarter back. Fred became a loner. The more and more Billy and Betty met other people, the less they could hear the thoughts, and eventually they all faded away. Completely.

It was senior year. Betty and Billy-bob began dating and Fred was still on his own. Whenever Betty and Billy saw him they'd walk right by, as if they never knew him. It broke Fred's heart. Everyday after school he would go home and sit and his room and eat in silence. He was a whopping 250 pounds and he had terrible acne. No one ever talking to him. On the trio's 18th birthday Betty and Billy threw a party together and invited everyone from school, except Fred-bob. That made Fred-bob angry. He couldn't believe after all the years they'd known each other, Billy and Betty had turned on him. So he decided to get revenge. Fred-bob crashed Betty and Billy-bob's 18th birthday party. He killed everyone there, saving billy-bob and Betty for last.

When he got to them, he spoke his first word. "WHY?!" he cried out. Betty and Billy stared at him with horror. they had never heard him speak. "w-wh-why what ?" Betty stuttered. "You two left me alone to fend for myself. i thought we said the trio would last forever." Fred cried. "Things changed." Billy said. "We'll i guess things will end." Fred said. He kissed Billy and Betty before shooting them both, then he shot himself.


Thursday, April 7, 2011


This is my second make up blog tonight. The only topic that i can think of that will amount to 15 minutes of typing is a blog about my family, so here goes nothing. i live in a subdivision called Royal Manor. it's kind of by gahanna middle school east. i live with my mom, 4brothers, 2 sisters, a pet rabbit named chase, and a puppy named shadow. i am the second child. i have one older brother named Dre. he is 17 and he's a junior at glhs. he runs track and plays football. ( i forget what football number he is) The next child after me is my younger brother, Amauree. Amauree is an eight year old second grader at Royal Manor Elementary, and he is obsessed with mtv and vans. (shoes) Next after Amauree is my  year old brother Quamee. His birthday is late so he hasn't started kindergarten yet, but he will start this fall. Food is his bestfriend, so he is kind of on the chubby side. After Quamee is Kamiah. Kamiah is 4 and out of all my mom's kids, she is the most annoying. Amauree and Quamee constantly pick on her and make fun of her and all she does is cries. A few times, she has came in my room and woke me up in the middle of the night crying for a cup of juice. That makes me soooo angry. But anyways, after Kamiah is my  favorite sibling. My baby brother Kareem. he's 20 months and he is the cutest child ive seen in my life. he has cur;y, sandy brown hair and two DIFFERENT colored eyes. One of them is light gray and the other is sandy brown. He gets his weird color eyes from my mom. My mom has hazel eyes, sometimes they're brown. sometimes they're gray and sometimes they're green. Anyways, back to the kids. After Kareem is my youngest sister Kabria. Karbia is six months old and she's very chubby. All she does is drink her milk and roll around in her bed. she's learning how to hold her bottle, sit up, and crawl. Those were all six of my siblings. No, my pets. MY puppy, Shadow is a black lab, he's very sweet, but when he gets left alone for too long, he'll eat EVERYTHING! (walls, carpet, wood, beds, books, shoes, ANYTHING he can get his teeth on) he even ate my older brothers Blackberry. smh And i also have a pet rabbit that we named chase. Chase  was found hopping around our neighborhood. i'd left for school one cold morning and saw him, and when i got home the same day i saw him again. Later that night i saw him a third time and that's when me, amauree, quamee, and dre chased after him. it was about an house long chase, and that's where he got his name. No you now allllll about my family



i'm going to start off by saying that i HATE blogs. but they're something i just HAVE to do if i wanna pass English. since there really isn't anything to blog about im just going to blog about how much i really truely hate doing blogs.  and im going to try to talk mr.potter into considering eliminating blogs for the final nine weeks of school. so, here i go . English is probably my least favorite class, because of these blogs. i wish that Mr.Potter would just eliminate then. or, let me pay someone else to do my blog, but since that's not allowed here i go. 5 reasons why i hate doing blogs for English class. Reason one, they are sooooo boring. Who wants to take 15 minutes out of their day to sit on a computer and type a blog? 7 hours and 25 minutes 5 days a week should be enough learning for 10th grade students. but NO. Mr.Potter and all the rest of the teachers at Gahanna Lincoln High school want to bore us and waste our lives doing homework. smh Reason 2 blogs are a hassle. I got my computer in 2001 and its pretty much a piece of crap. it always cuts off when i'm using it and sometimes when i go to turn it on, it doesn't work. My mom has a laptop that she keeps in her room but she caught my older brother looking on "inappropriate" websites so she banned everyone in the house from it. Reason 3, they are boring and they aren't very helpful. All they do is stress everyone out. Reason 4 it's a proven fact that the longer people spend using electronics (cell phones, iPod, COMPUTERS etc.) the slower their brain starts to work. So, 15 minutes of blogging once a week can really hurt us in the future. Reason 5, Mr.Potter should eliminate blogs because I don't like them. There are other alternatives that we can use, like silent reading in class for points, or writing a journal everyday at the beginning of class. Anything, i repeat, ANYTHING, is better than having to blog for 15 minutes once a week. So, i hope that if Mr.Potter reads this he changes his mind about torturing his 10th grade students with these blog posts and decides to go an alternate route.

Monday, March 28, 2011

Everyone Loves Being In Love

Dear reader,
       You will soon be reading my multi-genre blog on the thrilling book Eclipse. In Eclipse there are multiple themes. The main two themes are love and friendship which is obvious the moment you open the book. But the theme I chose love. Bella Swan must live with the choice that she made, which was losing her best friend, Jacob Black, to be with the love of her life, Edward Cullen. You’re probably wondering why she has to choose. Well, that’s where it begins to get complicated. Edward Cullen is a vampire, and Jacob Black is a werewolf. Wolves and Vampires happen to be arch enemies. Eclipse takes you through a true friendship and a true relationship. It shows you the good times and the bad times. In the end, a huge lesson is taught. The lesson is you should never have to choose between a lover and a friend, because if they really love you, they won’t put you through the pain of choosing.

A relationship is the rainbow between two hearts, sharing seven colors:  feelings, love, sadness, happiness, truth, faith, secret & respect.


My Dear Bella,
It is your love, Edward. I'm writing you to tell you how much I miss you. I know I was just at your house but I thought it would be cute if I left a little note under your pillow :) and I know you're going to find this when you wake up in the morning, so I hope you slept well. I love you sooo much Isabella Swan. Always&Forever, I know you feel the same way. I can't wait to see you at school tomorrow. I love you so much :)
Your Love,
Edward Cullen

 Every relationship has its own problems. You know you really love that person when you still want to be with that person when everything else in life sucks.

10 ways you know you’re in love

1. You can’t stop thinking about the person
2. When everything reminds you of them
3. When you’ll do anything to make that person happy
4. If you can wear bummy clothes and feel 100% comfortable around that person.
5. When you feel like you don’t have to impress the person.
6. You can be faithful to the person you’re with effortlessly.
7. When being commuted to the person you’re with becomes something you want to do, and not something you “have” to do.
8. When you can talk to the person for hours and hours and your conversation never gets old.
9. When you see the person and hang out with them all the time and it never gets old.
10. When you and that person go through hell and back and no love is lost.

 Beauty isn’t about having a pretty face. It’s about having a pretty mind, a pretty heart and a pretty soul. Inner beauty is the best beauty and when someone likes you for your inner beauty more then your outer beauty, they really love you.

Life Lesson List
1.)You should never have to choose between someone you love and one of your best friends.
2.)Never leave the one you love for the one you like
3.) The first love is always the sweetest. Any relationship after it wont be as great because the feelings wont be as new.
4.)A good relationship starts out with a decent friendship
5.)Don't expect the person you're with to be perfect, they just have to make life worth it.

never put someone you “like” over someone you “love” because the one you like will leave you for the one you they love and the one you love will move on. And you will be left alone.

for this project i chose the theme love for one good reason, because the entire Twilight series has to do with love and how complicated it can get. i chose my first genre, the personal letter to show how love and affection, because in Eclipse, Edward has a lot of love and affection for Bella and  when you love someone you do nice things for them like that. For my second genre, I chose the top 10 ways you're in love. The reason I chose this genre is because in Eclipse, all 10things I listed applied to Bella and Edward. And for my third genre I chose to list life lessons. I listed life lessons because all of the things I listed happened to me and they also happened to Bella and Edward.