Monday, February 7, 2011

(long sigh) for me, typing a blog is kinda like.. torture. i DREEEEAAAD doing my blog every week. im not exactly sure why i hate it so much, but i do. i procrastinate all day every sunday, and sometimes, like the Sunday that just passed; i dont do them at all. which really hurt my grade last grading period. Right now, im watching commercials for the bachelor. Dating shows like this annoy me sooo much! they make me want to throw my t.v. out the window. Falling in love on a tv show is the dumbest thing ever, who does that ? smh... ooops, i didnt mean to right "smh." for a second i forgot i was typing my blog, and not on facebook or twitter. So, for those who dont know, "smh" stands for, Shaking My Head". Anyways, like i just said, dating shows are the most annoying thing ever. The most annoying dating show, I'd have to say is, Flavor of Love. Flavor-Flave is thee UGLIEST man to ever step foot on this earth, but yet, he has all these women in love with him. And it's pretty obvious that all the women want from him is fame and money....

okay, enough about dating shows. now im going to talk about my weekend, and hopefully it will amount to 15 minutes. So, friday night, i wamted to to go to the boys basketball game, but i was sick :( And when i heard that boys varsity lost i was SHOCKED and mad at the same time. shocked, because we were on a winning streak, and mad because i wasnt there to witness. :( saturday was fun :) i woke up feeling good, so i went over my friend Jasmine's house. Here parents were out of town so we had some people stay the night with us :) Sunday morning, i didnt wake up til like 3 and i was sick again. So, Jamsin dropped me off at me house and i slept the rest of the day. Monday morning, i was sick again. :( so, momma let me stay home another day. as the day  went on, i began feeling better. but im still sick. smh which sucks. Right now, its monday night. The snow/ rain/ ice stuff is coming down and i hope it keeps coming, and i hope it freezes over night so they cancel school tomorrow. but then again, i dont want to have to make up the missed school days at the end of the school year. ugggh

Okay, im done writing this blog..... :) byeee !

1 comment:

  1. lol keiara your silly girl , smh if you dont understand what that means "Shaking My Head" hahaha !
