Friday, November 12, 2010

blah blah blaaaah ! :)

okay, so i just finished the 12 angry men test. it wasnt that hard :) well, like the last few questions were because i didnt study :( anyways, i cant wait to get out of this class room then go to lunch, then history, then geometry, then health, and after that its going to be the WEEKEND !!! im glad too because i really dont like going to school. all i wanna do is PARTAAAAY! haha, anyways, on wednesday, i caught a bunny. its fat and white and really cute. but i need to find its owner because i dont wanna keep someone elses pet, they probably think it got atacked by the neighborhood dogs. so, IF ANYONE IS LOOKING FOR  A WHITE BUNNY THAT RAN AWAY, come talk to me, i have it :) and if no one claims it, im keeping it. i named it chase,. because i chased it for like thirty minutes in the dark in the cold. and my hair was wet because my cousin came in the bathroom and told me to help him catch it. so, of course i got sick :( and i couldnt come to school on thursday. this relates to english because on thursday, everyone else was in class studying so they all probably got better grades on their test today :( uhggg, thats frustrating. anyways, today after school my mom is making me make a bunch of lost bunny signs and i have to post them around the whoooole neighborhood. smh, she really wants to find the owner because she's scared that my 3 week old sister is going to be allergic to it. which is understandable. but i dont really care. anyways, after i make thhe signs, im going to hang out with my boyfriend :) and on saturday im going to PARTAAAY :) and sunday morning im going to church, which im excited for because its teen service! yaaaay ! :)

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